Hello ‘Imposter Syndrome’, my old friend…

There’s a beautiful question to ask yourself regularly, ‘Will this experience enrich or shrink my life?’

I was busy writing a service a few weeks ago, when the phone rang. It was an amazing professional invitation, and completely unexpected. 

I nearly turned it down. 

Why did I consider saying no, when invited to deliver the Keynote speech at the annual AOIC Celebrant Conference?

Partly because I’d forgotten the beautiful question.

And because I still have ‘Imposter Syndrome.’

I imagine that everyone else knows more than me. Or is better than me. Or more confident. That I’m just not as good as everyone else.

Do you know this feeling? It’s very common, practically contagious…

For some of us, it’s how we were brought up. Or maybe it began in school, or at work. Or in your relationships later in life.

Experiencing the foster care system as a child, I’ve got proof that I’m not as good as most people. I was rejected by several families before I was even a year old. I wasn’t good enough for them, and that never leaves you.

You probably have your own reasons for ‘Imposter syndrome.’

But sometimes, we need to have a little conversation with ourselves. The way we might give a friend a pep talk, when they need their confidence boosting.

Remind yourself that you are a good person. You might be a loving parent, a loyal and caring best friend, and a professional with years of experience and knowledge to share with others.

Consider that it might be rude to say no to the next invitation to step outside your comfort zone. If you need a gentle nudge, sometimes you have to provide it for yourself.

It’s O.K. if you don’t know everything. Only someone with an enlarged sense of their own importance might think that they know absolutely everything. (Several politicians spring to mind…)

But it’s good to pass on the knowledge, skills and understanding that life has taught you.That’s what we’re here for, to give our best away, and hope that it helps someone else.

I’m honoured that AOIC invited me to deliver the Keynote speech. (That sounds so grown up, just typing it!) They asked me to share my Celebrant experience from recent years, along with the communication and presentation skills I learned from decades in radio.

They also asked me to run a writing workshop at the conference. I’ve loved running these creative sessions for over 15 years, so I can help support this side of Celebrant work.

I look forward to meeting new and established Celebrants, where we’ll all share our experiences. I’ll learn as much in conversations over coffee and lunch, as I will in official sessions.

None of us knows everything, but those of us who strive for excellence in our professional practice will be keen to listen as much as we speak. Together we’ll help each other. 

And there should be cake…

Since I nervously said yes to the invitation, I’ve made notes on so many things to share at the conference, I could probably speak for 24 hrs straight! Not that anyone would want that…

Next time you receive an invitation, why not challenge your inner ‘Imposter Syndrome’, to be of service to others. If you have a human wobble of confidence, it’s probably a good sign that you’re not an egomaniac.

Don’t forget that beautiful question.“Will this experience enrich or diminish my life?” It’s useful for so many decisions. Like volunteering for something – yes, it probably will enrich your life. 

There may also be cake.

Thanks to Ananth Pai at Unsplash for delicious looking cake photo.

Cake & being Human…

A little confession, I don’t always practise this Mindfulness stuff. Sometimes I eat while watching TV & mindlessly scrolling my phone. Maybe you’ve done the same? We’re all human, just bumbling along and doing our best. But then we switch back into paying attention to the richness of the present moment, and it can be lovely!

I was in Brighton last week, walking though the Lanes when I took a bite of a raspberry & pistachio cake. It was ridiculously delicious, and I relished that first perfect mouthful. Then a blur of white feathers that felt like a clumsy angel brushing past my face, and it vanished. 

The cake and a seagull both gone in a split second.

I laughed, as the timing was impeccable and what else can you do? After checking that the seagull hadn’t left a Jackson Pollock deposit on my shoulder, I relished the typically ‘Brighton Experience’ of having a seagull steal my cake, with the stealth of an angelic ninja.

I’m so grateful that I’d fully appreciated that first bite, and hadn’t just wolfed the cake down while scrolling my phone & watching TV. It was all quite gentle, I didn’t see a sharp beak or beady eye, and no talon scratches to leave a mark. Just a soft blur of feathers and an empty hand.

In some traditional Zen stories, the master will slap the student in the face or pour cold water over them to hasten their enlightenment. Perhaps the seagull was my teacher, pushing me back into the present moment with a sneaky cake theft…

(I should also confess that in my short Brighton trip, I’d already eaten half my body weight in cake & chocolate, so by this point, perhaps the seagull was doing me a favour!)

When we’re away from home, it can be easier to ease back into a Mindfulness habit. In fresh surroundings we can be more aware of the present moment, and less caught up in the usual worries. 

Or perhaps you find this easier when cooking, gardening, or walking the dog? Hopefully at some point in your daily life you relax into just ‘being’ and not feeling as though you’re like Atlas, holding the world on your shoulders, and trying to care for everything & everyone at once.

Sometimes it’s those moments when we’re slightly delayed & forced to wait that we can choose to take a few deep breaths that ground us back to the present. Finding a way to welcome the slow traffic lights, or the laptop freezing, or our loved ones taking ages to get ready. A tiny minute of peace, if we can relax into the moment & notice the world around us. 

Most of us can’t do this 24 hours a day, but these tiny gaps in our schedule  are worth looking out for and practising just chilling out and being calmer. It’s better for our blood pressure and well being, and helps us find a little space in a crowded world.

Although I lost my cake, I decided that it gives me another reason to return to Brighton. The Open Bakery in Kemptown, in case you’re passing through…. Just wait till you’re indoors to nibble the cakes.

A good way to return to this state of naturally being in the moment is to join a Mindfulness & Writing Zoom. It’s a welcoming & friendly space, whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced writer. We’ll meander through some interesting new creative ideas, enjoy bursts of inspiration for quick scribbles, practise simple mindfulness habits and then relax with a meditation to unwind. Cake is optional…

For May our dates are Sunday 14th May 10.30am – 12pm and Monday 15th May 7pm – 8.30pm. Contact me if you’d like to join one. I promise no seagulls will be in the Zoom!